How can elected officials be against Destiny USA

In response to Ronnie Kel- ey's letter to the editor printed Oct. 26 in The Post-Standard: Conservatives and liberals alike have enough differences to 3e concerned about without at- taching emotionally charged 'enemy of America" labels to one another. We may reasonably believe that the policies of different par- ties arc harming this country, but let's not resort to attacking their patriotism. In a recent poll, the residents of our community voted 2 to 1 in favor of the Destiny USA proj- ect. And as always one of our elected officials, this time a Syr- acuse Common Council mem- ber, Stephanie Miner, has spo- ken out against the poll stating that the residents don't know the true facts of the Destiny project. How can our elected official be against a project of this mag- nitude? Have you not witnessed the economic decline of our city? There is nothing being buil t here, there are no jobs, ;md the fact is our city residents are moving elsewhere. The bottom line, there is no investment into our community. During a recent telephone poll, I hung up after about six questions. I said to myself. "This has to be a Mahoney ruse." I was offended by the slant of the questions. Moreover, for Joanic to say the race wil l get negative is a joke. The negativity started with the Mahoney camp! The Mahoney people arc doing their best to impugn the charac- ter of Matt Driscoll. They do not want the real is- sues to surface — the issue of who controls the "destiny" of Syracuse, whose money speaks volumes in this town, develop- ment controlled by personal in- terest and greed vs. the needs of the community. Gel real. The people need to know that the Congcls and Falconcs of this world have us by the wallet — our wallet as taxpayers lor their PILOT interests. Driscoll is doing a good job bucking this and needs to be congratulated: not sniped at.

